Having a business (baby)

Having a business (baby)

Having your own business is a lot like having a baby. Ive just found myself pondering the similarities and thought I would share.

The Fear Factor!

Being excited and scared in equal measure about the whole process but knowing that it will be the making of you and in the long term it’s the thing that’s going to make you happy.

Being afraid that you’re going to drop the ball (baby) and potentially ruin everything but you never actually do and you and the ball are just fine!

The Learning Curve

You’ve got a new business (baby) and you have a rough idea about how to operate it, but starting from ground zero the learning curve is steep!

The highs and lows of business could be compared to your babies developmental leaps, everything is going great until boom, another leap arrives just to remind you that you are absolutely not in control here.

Non Parents

Those that are not self employed (non parents) suddenly feel so out of touch with what your life has become.

Their expectation that you will still be able to do everything as you did before is slightly misguided.

Your cash flow is in a constant state of flux and if you do have any it probably means your working every hour god sends. You hope you have time to take a holiday this year, but it depends on what’s going on with the business (baby).

Trust issues

Lately I have been contemplating the future of my business (baby) and it’s getting to a point where maybe I feel like I need an extra pair of hands! But no one can do things quite like you can they so who can you trust your business (baby) with??

Feeling like your failing

That overwhelming feeling that your messing everything up and your failing your business (baby) and yourself, you’re not, you’re nailing it but you always have the doubt no matter how well you do.

Mum guilt!

There were often time’s when my eldest would ask me to play with him but I’d have to say no because I was feeding his sister.

The guilt I felt then is not unlike the feeling I have when I try to work around the kids. Frantically trying to finish just one more thing before putting the laptop away to spend some time with them. It’s hard because I love my work, nearly as much as them. Nearly.

Lifestyle Change

Diving into parenthood brings about a world of change. Out with the old and in with the new! Adapting to your new norm is tough and I’m not ashamed to say I struggled with it.

Comparing it to living with my business (baby), it’s an actual breeze, working from home has it’s moments but on the whole it’s just a case of adapting.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, this is the life I chose and I try to make the most of every day at because Lord knows it’s not a dress rehearsal.

Well Meaning Advice

This is where things differ a little bit because the “well meaning” parenting advice you receive in the beginning is free flowing from everyone you speak to!

In your business life you rarely get any advice (for free at least)! I often long for someone to come and tell me what to do with my business (baby), but that would be too easy.

I’m sure there are more similarities, I’m trying to find an analogy between potty training and my daughter peeing on everything, I’m sure there’s probably something in that! One for the future!

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